2015年7月26日 星期日

Octopus in Bottle

First of all, I would like to say thank you to underwater photography master, Yoshi Hirata, for leading me to this Coconut Octopus.

It's my first time to see an octopus staying in a glass bottle. At first, by instinct, I positioned my two strobes facing toward the bottle straightly. I was so naive thinking the light would only illuminate the octopus. In fact, the bottle lip was totally overexposed by this strobe positioning.

After few shots, I found out it didn't work out and then realized that the bottle is translucent. I stretched the strobe arms and placed two strobes on the both sides of the bottle to light up the octopus staying in the middle of the bottle. Even though the bottle lip is very dark by this setting, I like this kind of output compares to overexposure.

After this shooting experience, I always try this strobe positioning when I want to take pictures of creatures staying in translucent subjects, like below, the goby in the bottle and the shrimp in the tunicate.

